Answers to Your Questions About the Future of Von Holten Ranch

Sep 27, 2024
Von Holten Ranch

Here are the questions that we have been getting asked. If you haven’t already heard, we are selling Von Holten Ranch. 

Click here for the listing

If you want a full explanation of why we are selling, go to our Von Holten Ranch Facebook page to see all the details. (the post is pinned at the top of the page) 

Q: Are you selling your horses and mule? 

A: NO! We are looking for land that has pasture. I have something set up if we end up moving somewhere that is not set up with fences until we get them done. 

The only way I would ever sell them is if I moved out of the country, which we have decided to stay in the US. 

Q: Why don’t you just hire someone to run Von Holten Ranch?
A: That requires VHR to make enough income to support another person’s salary, which is not an option at this time. 

Q: What are you going to do next? 

A: I’m going to get a remote job, so it won’t it matter where we end up moving. 

Q: What will happen to Chix in the Sticks? 

A: It’s the biggest source of revenue at VHR right now. If the people who purchase the ranch want to keep it going, they can. It is part of the package. If the buyer ends up not wanting to continue Chix at VHR, I will make it a mobile event that is still all-inclusive. 

Q: What will happen to CT2V? 

A: CT2V is the second largest source of revenue at VHR. It is also offered as part of the buyer’s package. If the buyer wants to continue CT2V they have the option to do so. If they do not, we will determine what happens later. There is a future for CT2V we just have to wait until the ranch sells to decide. 

Q: What will happen if the ranch doesn’t sell? 

A: If it doesn’t sell by September 20th, 2025, it will be taken off the market, and not opened again as a trail riding facility. It will be for personal use and homesteading classes. 

Q: What will you do with Horsemanship with Brandy? 

A: I will be a mobile clinician with a complete mounted archery line available. I will be looking for facilities to host me or that I can rent and continue mounted archery clinics, trail versatility, and/or confidence clinics. I will also continue my online horsemanship classes. 

Q: What will you do with Brandy Von Holten LLC? 

A: I will continue motivational speaking events and business coaching. I have my fourth children’s book that will come out in January. 

Q: What will happen to Country Tough Homesteading? 

A: We still have in-person classes at the ranch for 2024. You will see more classes scheduled depending on when the ranch sells (we should have a 60-day window). Even if it sells we will still follow through with scheduled classes. I also have an online store where we will sell medicinal herbs, tinctures, creams, lotions, and soaps which are in the works. If we sell and rebuild, we will build a barn-dominium and I will have a certified kitchen to host small in-person classes. Country Tough Homesteading was the direction we were headed with VHR and it is still the direction that has my heart. 

Q: What will happen to Building with David? 

A: David will continue running Building with David with the online woodshop classes for all ages, custom builds, signs, equine obstacles, and homesteading structures. 

Q: What will happen to Country-Tough Apparel & Clothing? 

A: We are about to ramp that business up! We will continue adding new designs and more merchandise to the store. Don’t forget about Country Tough for birthdays, holidays, or if you just want a new shirt. 

Q: What’s going to be the biggest thing you miss about Von Holten Ranch? 

A: Hands down I will miss our guests the most! Over the years I have met so many incredible people, formed friendships, watched people’s horse journeys, seen their kids grow up, and been part of people’s traditions. The other day, one of my clients was in hospice. She wanted to talk to me one more time, she was unable to speak but the people around her said she was nodding her head and just wanted to talk to me one more time. That touched me deeply. I’m going to miss my ability to be impactful in this community and I’m going to miss the people. 

Q: What are the things you are not going to miss? 

A: There is a big time commitment and sacrifice to do everything that needs to be done. We sacrifice holidays, and time with our families. We have put in 25 years’ worth of work in the last 10 years. There are no days off. Over the years, we have gotten better at setting boundaries, we had to decrease the number of events, and we have figured out how to balance work life and personal life, and we will gladly share that with whoever purchases the ranch. 

Q: What’s going to be the biggest thing that changes for Brandy not doing VHR anymore? 

A: I’m 100% putting my health first, I want to hyperfocus on getting my health where I want it. I want to be an example for others to follow in my footsteps. 


Q: What can you do to help us right now? 

  1. Camp at Von Holten Ranch this fall.

  2. Buy a shirt from our online store - 

  3. Click here to like and follow our other social media & business pages

    1. Brandy Von Holten 

    2. Horsemanship with Brandy 

    3. Country Tough Homesteading 

    4. Country-Tough Apparel & Clothing 

    5. Building with David 

  4. If you hear or know of a remote job, let me know! 

  5. Don’t forget about us. 

Von Holten Ranch was a great decade of my life and I'm looking forward to the next chapter, and taking with me the words, wisdom, and connections with others from this chapter. 

- Brandy Von Holten 

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